Credit Enhancement

As a value added service, I offer my clients a complimentary credit enhancement program designed to educate and improve your understanding of how credit affects you and your family’s bottom line. This is accomplished through a free consultation where we discover exactly where you stand today. Next, I take the information provided and put together a credit enhancement report incorporating your mortgage, loans, and consumer debt and present my findings along with specific recommendations based on your needs now and for the future. If necessary, we will schedule quarterly meetings to assess your progress and implement any changes necessary to get maximum improvement to your credit rating.
I don’t stop there as there is so much more to learn regarding credit and how it affects your economic life. In addition to our one on one consultation, I provide three free events each month which are specifically designed to improve your understanding of credit and raising your level of financial education. These events offer a hands on environment where you are learning in small groups with educational tools simulating real life where the mistakes you make are object lessons rather than failures.
Credit enhancement is a vital part of keeping your mortgage costs down and my expertise in the subject is at your service. Take the time to invest in yourself and increase your understanding of credit and how it affects you.